Saturday, May 9, 2015

In The early Morning Hours

It seems that for the past year maybe longer I wake up at 3:00 A.M and usually I can't go back to sleep. I finally discovered this is the best time to talk to God. It seems I wrestle all day long with thoughts and feelings,and learning. By the time I hit the hay I'm usually asleep within minutes. This morning when I woke up at 4:00 A.M, I felt a peace settle over me. There was a slight chill in the air and though I was covered with  blankets I still felt cold. Then it seemed as if someone covered me with a warm blanket and I fell into a peaceful, sort of restful state of being. I listened and it was silent, but a different sort of silent. A hush if you will as if God and I were the only two people in my neighborhood for  minutes. 
In those quiet moments I heard God speaking to me and reassuring me I am in the place he wants me.

I fell back to sleep only to awake from a troublesome dream. I know where the dream came from, it came from frustration and worry,so I shook off the cobwebs  as it were and went to take care of a friends dog. It was still early, so again, I had quiet. There weren't many cars on the road and the radio seemed to play every song I needed to hear. I can't remember everything now that I learned in those quiet moments, but I believe God has a hiding place for these special moments and at  the proper time I will recall them. I kept hearing God tell me to rest and I couldn't figure it out. I thought it meant physically until someone told me to quit struggling. She didn't know all I was struggling with but God surely did. Then in those last quiet moments, just before civilization would awaken and demand attention, I found it, The scripture I have been hearing in my heart so much lately. Matthew 11:29
The last part says you will find rest unto your souls. While I needed rest in my physical body, God came to me and gave me rest for my soul.

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